lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

The best in my area

In my opinion, the best in my area is Carl Rogers. He has done important contributions in the Humanistic Psychology area.
In the beginning he was a pshychoanalist, but later he focused his attention in the human being, his strength of spirit and his potencialities.
In his woks, he speaks about a special class of comminication, an experiencial, active, creative, paticipative, sensitive, precise and honest one, in rapport with each other, to create harmonious relationships.
In order to stimulate the comminication, it's important the ability to hear, genuine satisfaction to be listened to, ability to be genuine which estimulated to be genuine in others. All this results in a greated freedom to recived and give love.
He believes in the self actualization of the people, this is, the human has resources to selfunderstanding and his power to keeps or changes their psychological process and behavior.
His guidance is a psichology non directive to the people. This constructive tendency is, like the life, active and no pasive to the person. This process is constant growth.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

My Career

Psychology... Long time ago, I thought it was only ask for help... And when I was in therapy I conscience that it was to help for others too.

I remember that since I was a girl, I had spirit of service, my first preference was Obstetry, but the contact whith the patient was too technical.

After many years I chose a carrier which made possible the development of a spirit of service through comunication in many levels; verbal, no verbal and the rapport of people.

The best of my career is I 'm learning a lot of tools that may be used to help. I learning different ways to see the human.

The worst is some changes in the curriculum. I think that some subjects must be annual, due to the great amount of knowledge, to little time.

My expectations in the future is to become a humanist psychologist to work together people in their process in way of being.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Comment on a photograph you like

The photograph I like the most, is in which appear Tei and Sofia (my cat) sleepping soundly together. They look so tender and wrapped up!! I feel like hugging them...

This photo was take for me the last winter when I spend for long time in our apartment.

When I see it, I remember the long conversations with him, and the "breakfast early" tea taste... and the sweet chocolate cookies.

In it, they appear on the marron red like couch, surrounder of blankets and green cushons.

Everytime when I see them in the photo, I feel a home sensation.
I really miss them.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

My most precious possesion

When I think about the most important fo my possesion , I think in my remembers in time of behavior, magic and love.
When I was a little girl I has much time for read, write and think. From that time even keep books, poems, annotations.
In time of vacation I colleted "piedras cruces" which come out of the river.
I still have my score of many authors of classical music. My favorite are Chopin, Mussorski and Johan Sebastian Bach. They bring memories from the time star to the study music.
I keep my flute too: I remember when it was too big to me and I difficult play my music in it, but i was so happy play to everywhere.
My latest precios possesion are the beautifull memories of the last relationship whit my ex boyfriend... Is a sad end of love story. A bitter - sweet memories. I hope that this improve on.